Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend update

It was a beautiful weekend here in WI. Temps in the 50's and lots of sunshine. I finished what I could of the graduation gift. I did a big OPPS when I calculated the area for the picture. I forgot to convert from 10 ct of the graph paper to 14 ct for the material and I didn't leave enough room for the picture I have. I recalculated and found that I now need a much smaller picture than I have. So now I must get another picture from my niece. Will update when I get the picture. I did get started on my sand castle. I was very excited to start on that one. I do not have a picture of what it will look like completed as I got it as a freebie. I love it so far. Will post a picture soon.

My daughter, Gabbie and I spent some quality time Sunday while we took a ride around the countryside. It was just too nice to be in the house and I'm not ready to tackle my yeard so we decided to enjoy the weather from the car. It was a nice time. Gabbie got her nap and Amber, my daughter, and I caught up on our conversation.

Well, back to my sand castle.

Have a great week.

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